
FuzeHub Hosts 2019 Statewide Competition
FuzeHub Hosts 2019 Statewide Competition
FuzeHub Hosts 2019 Statewide Competition
It starts today at 4 p.m. at the Albany Capital Center and is a two-day event. Up to $400,000 will be awarded to six companies across New York State during the FuzeHub Commercialization Competition in Albany, NY. FuzeHub, is a not-for-profit organization responsible for assisting small and medium-sized manufacturing companies in New York State...
Capital Region Burger Makes Top Ten in Competition
Capital Region Burger Makes Top Ten in Competition
Capital Region Burger Makes Top Ten in Competition
One Capital Region burger is among the top ten best in the state! As a burger person, this kind of news is pretty cool to me (and has me licking my lips).  The New York Beef Council is looking for the best burger in the state, and according to newyorkupstate...